medical improv

Medical Improv adapts improvisational theatre methods to the world of medicine, to improve cognition, communication, and wellbeing. 

medicine is unpredictable.

improv keeps you ready.

Medical Improv cultivates your intuition for the practice of medicine.

As “theImprovDoc”, I help healthcare clinicians and educators thrive in their professional practices with Medical Improv skills, methods, and values. Learn about essential concepts of Medical Improv here and at, attend the Medical Improv Train-the-Trainer Workshop, host your own workshop, and stay tuned for more info about my book in development, “Teaching Medical Improv”.

the heart of medical improv

the medical improv train-the-trainer workshop

Established in 2013 by Prof. Katie Watson, JD, and Dr. Belinda Fu, MD, the Medical Improv Train-the-Trainer Workshop has taught the fundamentals of MedImprov to hundreds of clinicians and educators from around the world. The Workshop is based on Prof. Watson’s groundbreaking course, “Playing Doctor”, which has been taught for over twenty years at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine — and is still going!

Learn more about the Workshop, sign up for updates about upcoming workshops, and join this supportive community of educational innovators by visiting

teach doctors improv

Watch this short video to learn the essentials of Medical Improv, including key elements that can improve clinical education and patient care.


If you’d like support in your work as a medical improv educator, Belinda is available for one-on-one coaching sessions. She’ll work closely with you to clarify your teaching goals, provide specific actionable feedback, and reinforce your professional development as an educator.